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Serving Troy, NY | 518-266-9010
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Job Listings

Job Posting: 
Curriculum Specialist

Design and develop online instructional materials in Arabic and English for students in elementary through high school. Define curricular objectives and standards and determine assessment approaches to evaluate student performance. Identify and guide development of educational tools, products and topics that are in high demand. Review existing materials, tools and products against school board, state and federal standards and regulations. Update materials, tools and products to ensure they reflect the most up-to-date technologies, teaching strategies, regulations and information. Interface with school systems and non-governmental education organizations to align products to clients’ needs. Adapt educational curriculum to ensure appropriateness and accessibility for each grade level and for students with disabilities. Analyze student performance data and identify and implement data-rooted approaches to strengthen the effectiveness of educational products. Identify external subject matter experts and consult with them as needed to elevate the quality of products and curricula.

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